SportSG has committed to lead the prevention strategy and education effort by establishing a Safe Sport Commission and a reporting process by 2019. NSAs, too, pledged to having a sport safe policy and a safeguarding officer by 2019, that will provide a safe and trusted environment for staff, associates, athletes, coaches and officials in accordance with existing laws and codes of conduct.
- Harassment is an unwanted and inappropriate physical or verbal or non-verbal behaviour which is humiliating, offensive and/or intimidating to another party
- Such behaviour can be exhibited in person and/or via other communication channels such as the Internet and mobile phones
- Harassment can be a single or continuous occurrence. Types of harassment include, but not limited to, stalking, cyber-bullying and sexual harassment
- As it is considered a criminal offence, offenders may be referred to the police for further investigation.
general Guidelines for reporting
- What to report: Disclosure or indicators of abuse, inappropriate behaviour.
- When to report: Any concern must be reported immediately.
- Who to report to: Staff advisors or team managers of your respective Universities.
- How to report: Reporting channels of your respective Universities.
- Follow-up: In accordance to your respective Universities' incident management processes.